Commit ee6ccff7 authored by Faizol's avatar Faizol


parent 10446549
......@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
## Penggunaan Memory <a name="p8"></a>
| ChatHead | Sebelum Disable | Sesudah Disable |
| --------------------- | --------------- | ---------------- |
| -------------------------- | ------------------- | ---------------- |
| Total | 140 mb | 125.9 mb |
| Java | 22.7 mb | 17.5 mb |
| Native | 41.8 mb | 33.6 mb |
......@@ -115,5 +115,10 @@ ________________________________________________________________________________
| Code | 38.6 mb | 37.7 mb |
| Others | 36.8 mb | 37.1 mb |
| Allocated | 347719 | 212711 |
| Allocations | 261.859 | 250.367 |
| Deallocations | 0 | 3.424 |
| Total Count | 261.859 | 246.943 |
| Shallow Size | 15.377.339 | 11.840.480 |
| Shallow Size Change | 15.377.339 | 11.840.480 |
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