Commit 8e4222d8 authored by Wahyudi's avatar Wahyudi 😎


Pipeline #93 canceled with stages
# Middleware Encryption Client
Small library to help you generate encrypted parameter for middlware requests.
### Todos
- Test on debit credit payment request
- Jenkins pipeline to
- Compile with JDK Oracle
### How to use on desktop cli
#### Dependencies
- Java Installed openjdk version > `1.8.0_222`
### Usage
Install the dependencies and run following command:
$ java -jar encrypt.jar --dukpt=[path] --pan=[pan]
where parameters:
`--dukpt` = path to your dukpt json file
`--pan` = PAN number
### Example
1. Serialze response key to json and store to `my_dukpt_keys.txt` , file content look like this:
"emvKsn": "B9C8F0A0AAA00EE00000",
"pinIpek": "DBC2901375E811B5BE6BD86E57CC8327",
"trackKsn": "B8A516BDB651C5E00000",
"emvIpek": "06536382514030209AA0F8474E24D5AA",
"pinKsn": "631CCEE9FEB0D9E00000",
"trackIpek": "66C2842661221842CEE12AB18F10D923"
2. Run command
$ java -jar encrypt.jar --dukpt=my_dukpt_keys.txt --pan=6032984062208826
3. Output generated json text, and ready to use for request
"trackKsnIndex": "A245F",
"track2Encrypted": "EAE1E7D67129EEE9",
"panHash": "937af3b9d397c958b0a250fe0226f2d72ba5b106e6bf4c92db2c27a9e69accb18353698648cc882f54398b480c15d11bfe4c20cc73a14c7b7f240b263d23f1b7"
### How to embbed on Android Studio Project
#### Dependencies
1. Copy `encrypt-lib.jar` to folder `app/libs/`
2. add following lines to your `app/build.gradle`
implementation 'org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.54'
implementation ''
implementation files('libs/encrypt-lib.jar')
3. Run gradle sync
### Usage
// import dependencies class
import com.mdd.topup.encryption.Encrypt;
import com.mdd.topup.encryption.EncryptedParams;
import com.mdd.topup.encryption.Param;
// this is your json response from download key
String keysJson="{\"emvKsn\":\"B9C8F0A0AAA00EE00000\",\"pinIpek\":\"DBC2901375E811B5BE6BD86E57CC8327\",\"trackKsn\":\"B8A516BDB651C5E00000\",\"emvIpek\":\"06536382514030209AA0F8474E24D5AA\",\"pinKsn\":\"631CCEE9FEB0D9E00000\",\"trackIpek\":\"66C2842661221842CEE12AB18F10D923\"}";
// deserialize it to DukptKeys object
DukptKeys keys=new Gson().fromJson(keysJson,DukptKeys.class);
// setup parameter object with PAN and DukptKeys
Param param = new Param();
// generate encryption
Encrypt encrypt = new Encrypt(param);
EncryptedParams encryptedParams = encrypt.get();
// get the result
String panEnc = encryptedParams.getTrack2Encrypted();
String trackKsnIndex = encryptedParams.getTrackKsnIndex();
String panHash = encryptedParams.getPanHash();
PT. Multidaya Dinamika
**term and condition applied**
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